What is Chiropractic

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Chiropractic is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health. There is an emphasis on manual techniques, including joint adjustment and /or manipulation with a particular focus on subluxations.

Definition of Chiropractic by the World Heath Organisation ( W.H.O.) , 2005.

Chiropractic, is recognized as a Health care profession by the World Health Organization, and recognized by most first world countries including United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland and in some as a Primary Health Care Profession. In Spain the above is NOT the case, IT IS NOT A RECOGNIZED HEALTH PROFESSION AND THERE ARE NO LAWS IN PLACE TO REGULATE THE PROFESSION.

These laws are the exclusive domain of each member state of the European Union, therefore at present the Chiropractic profession finds itself in a legal vacuum. The Asociacion Española de Quiropractico (A.E.Q.) has asked the relevant Spanish ministries to present to Parliament the appropriate laws to legalize the profession. Those counties where Chiropractic is legally protected an individual receives their license to practice after studying for five or six years.There are two colleges  to study Chiropractic in Spain, the Real Centro Universitario Maria Cristina de Madrid ( UCR) and the Barcelona College of Chiropractic (BCC), these offer a five year course , graduating with non official diplomas. These degrees comply with all the norms of the Consejo de Educacion Quiropractica Europeo ( E.C.C.A.), and ironically these graduates are legally able to practice in other counties such as United States, France  and the United Kingdom but not in Spain.The A.E.Q. was founded and recognized by the Ministry of the Interior in 1986, has a membership of 200 fully qualified professionals whose degrees  unfortunately have NO LEGAL STANDING IN SPAIN. If you are being treated by a Chiropractor please verify that he /she is a member of the A.E.Q. This can be done by checking on the website “find a Chiropractor”.This professional will comply with the high standards of the E.C.C.A. The regulation of Chiropractic in Spain is a political question, and those Chiropractors that are members of the A.E.Q.  find themselves in a position of judicial insecurity compared to other professionals in the European Union, which can lead to the possibility of a member of the public being treated by an individual who is not trained to the high standards the Chiropractic profession requires.

The website www.guycorbett-thompson.com provides professional  information on Guy Corbett-Thompson, owner of the aforementioned website. The contents of this website is only for informative purposes. The owner of the website is not responsible for third party opinions or observations concerning his website.The contents of the website does assume to supersede any medical opinion give by a Health care professional as CHIROPRACTIC IS NOT A RECOGNISED HEALTH CARE PROFESSION AND THERE ARE NO LAWS IN PLACE TO REGULATE THE PROFESSION. Therefore the owner of this website assumes no responsibility, direct or indirect, for any consequences that may originate from the use of the information seen on this website.
